The essential facts to know about your teacher: Jaime
Birth Doula
Advances in Pilates, Long Beach Dance & Conditioning
Power Pilates Mat
Absolution : Level 1 - 5 - Classic NY Method
Stott : Continuing Ed courses
BA in Dance & Theatre, Minor in Anthropology from UC, Santa Cruz
Years Teaching Pilates:
Long Island, NY
Top 3 Hobbies or Activities:
Being with my family, kayaking & hiking
Q & A:
From my favorite foods to some of my bucket list~
What kinds of foods do you like and how do you like to fix them up?
Brown rice, lightly fried with tofu, peas and carrots, couscous, salad, beets ~
fresh water, ginger tea
What’s one of your favorite exercises to teach and do you have a special spin to it that you prefer?
The Pull up on Wunda Chair; I help clients find their position and strength and talk them through the lift and the lowering; pretty amazing to pull your body up in space and maintain balance and poise
And Jump Board because its so fun and empowering, until exhaustion:)
If Joseph Pilates were alive today, what would you ask him?
I would ask if he is happy with the evolution of Pilates, what his favorite exercise was, what the internment camp was like and how come Clara got very little publicity.
Top 3 places you’ve traveled?
Costa Rica, Canada, Italy
Top 3 things on your “To Do Before You Die” list?
To climb Machu Picchu, Peru; to speak fluent spanish, to move our home where
there are 4 seasons
What’s some of your favorite Pilates studio's
Renee Watson Pilates Studio (Constantia, South Africa)
Drago, NY
Bodyline for Pro class - BH
What’s your Pilates “a-ha” moment?
I was in a certification course in 2001 in Long Beach, CA ~ I remember driving
in my car down my street in Culver City ready to make a right turn. I engaged
my abdominals while turning the wheel - that moment was the ' I think she's got it' moment
Two words that describe your teaching style?
Passionate, inspiring; can I add a 3rd word please... engaging
Favorite type of sessions or classes to teach and why?
I love Privates, as a teacher I am able to connect with my clients and take them out of their boundaries and guide them in a new direction or one that feels good and challenging to them. I also enjoy duets and group classes - whole different animal.
Care to share any teaching blunders?
In the early days, I had a client on the Cadillac with his feet up on the trapeze bar instead of below on the webbing - it was quite funny getting him down ~ we had a good laugh!
Where can we find you usually on any given Friday eve?
Being happy its Friday, rounding up my husband & kids and being together relaxing at home
or having a massage:)
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